Vt Fall

His first VT Fall…he quite enjoys the leaves scattered around and the crinkling rustling sounds of real life (and not just as stated in one of his nightly bedtime books in the roll right now.)

20121005-205851.jpg With the Fall comes the cooler weather and roasted tasties

20121005-205953.jpg Passing through Westminster this week I stopped by Harlows Organic Farm Stand and for $15 I picked up two bunches of kale, three heirloom apples, some honeycrisps and pears…all locally grown and all organic. It’s crazy to think that same bag of goodies here in btown would cost at least double that!

Langdon’s latest addition to his palette…chickpeas. Big hit, healthy source…pretty stoked about these early eating habits 🙂


It’s the Little Things

It’s easy to note the big things, the major milestones, etc. For me it’s all those little things that bring frequent smiles in the moment, which unless recorded, I may soon forget.

Tomorrow is Langdon’s first picture day. We are the send them in with an outfit to change into and it just so happens we have a fab, new to us IZOD perfect for the occasion!

Who knew they made baby IZOD?!?!

I have to admit I quite enjoyed ironing this pint-sized button down. It was a Mommy-true moment to be doing this for him and I-loved-it!

Of course as it would so happen, Langdon also bonked his head today…

The good news is that if it shows up in the pics, it kind of looks like a cool hockey injury.

Stellar Sundays

As has been our routine for the last month or so, Langdon and I geared up and headed out for our Sunday morning run.

This picture was actually from yesterday, but it was a similar scene today…cold, gray and threatening of sprinkles, but he of course had a smile to share 🙂

This week was a new personal best for me, made it 7.25 miles! And believe it or not, Langdon did as well.

He is such a trooper and I love having him with me. He naps for a good part of these long runs, then just quietly sits and takes in his surroundings and passers by. I am not sure how long we will have mornings like this, before he is too busy to sit still for that long, but for now I love it! It’s our new special Sunday morning ritual.

As a treat for his excellent behavior we ended our run at one of the local playgrounds. He loves to swing and it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve taken him.

Once home Langdon showed off his newest skill and bravery.

Amazing how much this boy just wants to climb everything!

So Last night I made a roast beef…nothing better than a leftover roast beef sandwich with smoked provolone on white with mayo and bbq sauce…yeah I pretty much ate the calories burned from my run just over lunch, but heck it was good!


The afternoon on into the evening was spent in the kitchen. Cooking, playing, cooking, chasing, cooking, cuddling…my efficiency in the kitchen has changed with the little one around, that’s for sure!

I managed to make turkey chili, brownies, and baby meals (green beans, apple sauce, chicken).

My typical turkey chili underwent some changes based on what we had to use up. These differing ingredients included Pinot noir, dogfish head IPA, and beef broth. A random combo for sure, but it really provided a surprising enhanced flavor to the batch.

New for Langdon -pasta and green beans (introduce Sat) and chicken tonight. He likes them all and now the boy is a meat eater…which makes Hubs a happy man.


Family Day in the Kitchen

We made our first apple pie of the year this past weekend and was truly a family affair.

I had to head out Sunday afternoon for a work event that would be keeping me away from my guys for a couple nights. In my pre-baby travels I would take care to ensure Hubs had a fully stocked fridge with meals ready to go. Now that we have another little mouth to feed, my time is spent on preparing his dinners and packing up lunch as well.

In addition to my homemade apple sauce and the now staple tofu, there was spinach pesto over tender cauliflower florets and boiled sweet baby carrots.

For Hubs some pretty standard dinner options and a delicious apple pie!


I didn’t get a fresh from the oven shot, but what remains two days later is as Hubs described one more dessert and one more breakfast before it’s gone.

In times past the kitchen was my territory, my release, my time to be by myself…now with Langdon here, those days are gone and it’s moments like this past Sunday morning that I’m sure glad it is a family hang out.


Rice, or Not to Rice

This past week there has been much hoo-ha over the consumer reports release of inorganic arsenic in rice, thus rice products.

The danger is still being quantified, however there have been some strong cautions released geared toward the little ones and their still growing/developing bodies. While Langdon refused, or rather turned his nose up to rice cereal, he sure enjoys crunchy rice cakes (ie mum mums).

Our peds office posted links about the rice research, so without direct questioning I just am assuming the actions were to caution patients. I posted to ask them for cracker replacements…food mesh bag and graham crackers was the response. Needless to say this was not a satisfying answer…so I’ve decided to hit the test kitchen to develop a solution of my own.

Oatmeal Yum Yum -Round 1
(a work in progress)

Steel Cut Oats
Baking Powder
Apple Sauce







The Boy

Today it became obvious, my little one is growing right before my eyes!

In just a few short months, or rather weeks, better yet days, he has become less and less that new little baby and more a boy.

On the move with two teeth coming in, eating solids including family ‘supper’ as my Hubs calls it…where will the time take us?!?!

As one coworker said in response to the PYO pic: ‘little pleasures make nice memories’.
